Integrating Atomic Design & Double Diamond Methods into an Agile & Scrum Environment

4 min readMar 25, 2024

Integrating the Double Diamond method and Atomic Design into an Agile & Scrum framework can significantly enhance the efficiency, creativity, and user-centeredness of product development processes. This article explores how these methodologies can be harmoniously blended to foster innovation, improve collaboration among cross-functional teams, and streamline the product development lifecycle.

Introduction to Agile & Scrum, Double Diamond, and Atomic Design

Before delving into the integration, it’s essential to understand the core principles of each methodology:

  • Agile & Scrum focuses on iterative development, where projects are divided into small, manageable sprints with frequent reassessments and adjustments.
  • The Double Diamond method is a design process framework that emphasizes the importance of divergent and convergent thinking across four stages: Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver.
  • Atomic Design breaks down interfaces into fundamental building blocks (atoms, molecules, organisms, templates, and pages), promoting reusability and consistency across designs.

Step 1: Aligning Methodologies with Agile & Scrum Phases

The first step in integration is mapping the stages of the Double Diamond method to Agile & Scrum sprints. This alignment ensures that the design process is iterative and flexible, fitting neatly within the Agile framework.

Discover and Define

The first diamonds align with Sprint Zero or the Initial Sprint(s). This phase involves activities typically conducted in the initial sprints of an Agile & Scrum project.

  • User research
  • Identifying problems
  • Defining the scope

The goal is to have a clear understanding and agreement on the problem to solve before moving into solution development.

Develop and Deliver

The second diamonds align with Subsequent Sprints: Once the problem is defined, the team moves into the solution space. The Develop phase involves creating and iterating on design concepts, which can be executed in parallel with development sprints.

The Deliver phase focuses on refining and launching the solution, aligning with the final development sprints and product release.

Step 2: Implementing Atomic Design within the Double Diamond Framework

Atomic Design principles can be applied throughout the Double Diamond process to ensure design consistency and reusability.

Discover Phase

  • Initial atoms and molecules (basic UI elements like buttons and input fields) can be identified based on existing design systems or preliminary user interface needs.

Define phase

  • These elements are further refined and documented, ensuring that the design’s foundation is solid before moving into more complex compositions.

Develop phase

  • Designers and developers collaborate to combine atoms and molecules into organisms and templates, creating functional prototypes and interfaces.

Deliver phase

  • The final designs are implemented, tested, and prepared for launch, leveraging the atomic structure to ensure consistency and facilitate any necessary iterations.

Step 3: Enhancing Collaboration and Communication

The success of integrating these methodologies lies in effective collaboration and communication among cross-functional teams. Here are some strategies to enhance teamwork:

Regular Cross-Functional Meetings: Daily stand-ups, sprint planning, and retrospectives should include members from the design, development, and product management teams, ensuring alignment and shared understanding of goals and progress.

Design and Development Pairing: Encourage designers and developers to work closely, especially during the Develop phase, to address any design feasibility issues early on.

Shared Tools and Documentation: Utilize shared platforms for documenting the design system (atoms, molecules, etc.) and project progress. Tools like design collaboration platforms and project management software can facilitate this.

Step 4: Iteration and Continuous Improvement

Both the Double Diamond method and Atomic Design emphasize the importance of iteration and continuous improvement — a principle that’s at the heart of Agile & Scrum as well. Here’s how to incorporate this into the integrated approach:

  • Iterative Design and Development: Allow for design iterations within each sprint, using feedback from usability testing, stakeholder reviews, and team retrospectives to refine designs and functionality.
  • Evolving the Design System: The design system should be a living document, with atoms, molecules, and organisms updated based on new insights, technologies, and user feedback.

Case Studies and Success Stories

To illustrate the effectiveness of this integrated approach, consider the example of a tech company that adopted it for their new product development. By aligning the Double Diamond method with their Agile & Scrum processes, they ensured that every sprint was not only focused on developing functional increments but also on solving the right user problems. The Atomic Design methodology helped maintain design consistency and efficiency, significantly reducing the time required for design hand-offs and increasing the overall quality of the user interface.


Integrating the Double Diamond method and Atomic Design into an Agile & Scrum framework can transform product development processes, making them more user-centered, efficient, and collaborative. By aligning the phases of each methodology and emphasizing continuous improvement, teams can create products that not only meet but exceed user expectations. This integrated approach fosters a culture of innovation, where design and development work in harmony to produce exceptional results.




I'm a lead product designer who specializes in enterprise design, accessibility, design systems and using AI for design.